Thank you for visiting our website. We are committed to safeguarding the privacy of our website visitors. In this policy, we explain how we treat and protect personal information we collect through our website.

Personal Information

We may collect and store Personal Information though your use of our website, including: (a) information about your computer and about your visits to and use of our website, such as your IP address, geographical location, browser type and version, operating system, referral source, length of visit, page views, website navigation paths, and the timing, frequency and pattern of services use; (b) information you may provide when using forms or services on our website, such as your first name, last name, company name, e-mail address, mailing address, country, and/or telephone number; and (c) any other personal information you choose to provide to us through our website (collectively, “Personal Information”). We will generally use Personal Information only as described in this Privacy Policy. We reserve the right, however, to use Personal Information to the extent permitted or required by law.

Use and Disclosure of Personal Information

We may use your Personal Information to: (a) administer and improve our website and business; (b) contact you; (c) send you non-marketing commercial communications; (d) send you quotes or other notifications you have requested; (e) send you our newsletter, if you have requested it (you can inform us at any time if you no longer require the newsletter); (f) send you marketing communications relating to our business which we think may be of interest to you, by post or, where you have specifically agreed to this, by email (you can inform us at any time if you no longer require marketing communications); (g) deal with inquiries and complaints made by you relating to our website; or (h) communicate with you for other purposes which are evident from the circumstances or about which we inform you when we collect Personal Information.

We may disclose Personal Information to our employees, officers, insurers, professional advisers, agents, suppliers or subcontractors insofar as reasonably necessary for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy. We may disclose Personal Information to any member of our group of companies – including our subsidiaries, our holding company, and its subsidiaries – insofar as reasonably necessary for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy. We may disclose Personal Information if we are required to do so because of an applicable law, court order or governmental regulation, or in connection with any ongoing or prospective legal proceedings.

We may transfer Personal Information to a third party in the event that the business of this website or a part of it and the customer data connected with it is sold, assigned or transferred, in which case we would require the buyer, assignee or transferee to treat Personal Information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

Non-Disclosure of Personal Information

We will not, without express consent, sell, share, or otherwise supply Personal Information to third parties except as provided in this Privacy Policy.

Security and Confidentiality

We will take reasonable measures to protect Personal Information from loss, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration or destruction. We will store Personal Information on secure servers which are both password- and firewall-protected.

International Data Transfers

Personal Information may be stored and processed in and transferred between any of the countries in which we, or the members of our group of companies, operate in order to enable us to use the information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. We may transfer Personal information to countries outside of your country, potentially including countries which may not have data protection laws equivalent to those in force in your country.


We may collect and process information about your visit to this website, such as the pages you visit, the website you came from and some of the searches you perform. We use this information to help improve our website and to compile aggregate statistics about individuals using our website for internal, market research purposes.

We may install “cookies” that collect the domain name of the user, internet service provider, operating system, and the date and time of access. A cookie is a file containing an identifier that is sent by a web server to a web browser and is stored by the browser. The identifier is then sent back to the server each time the browser requests a page from the server. Cookies do not typically contain any information that personally identifies a user, but Personal Information we store about you may be linked to the information stored in and obtained from cookies. Cookies do not damage your computer.

Most browsers allow you to refuse to accept cookies. For example, in Internet Explorer you can block cookies using the cookie handling override settings available by clicking “Tools,” “Internet Options,” “Privacy,” and then “Advanced.” In Firefox, you can block all cookies by clicking “Tools,” “Options,” “Privacy,” selecting “Use custom settings for history” from the drop-down menu and unclicking “Accept cookies from sites.” In Chrome, you can block all cookies by accessing the “Customize and control” menu, and clicking “Settings,” “Show advanced settings” and “Content settings,” and then selecting “Block sites from setting any data.”

You can also delete cookies already stored on your computer. For example, Internet Explorer, you can manually delete cookie files following these instructions In Firefox, you can delete cookies by clicking “Tools,” “Options” and “Privacy,” then selecting “Use custom settings for history” from the drop-down menu, clicking “Show Cookies,” and then clicking “Remove All Cookies.” In Chrome, you can delete all cookies by accessing the “Customize and control” menu, and clicking “Settings,” “Show advanced settings” and “Clear browsing data,” and then selecting “Cookies and other site and plug-in data” before clicking “Clear browsing data.”

Google Analytics

Like many websites, we also use a tool called Google Analytics to collect information about the use of our website. We use Google Analytics to help us better understand our web traffic. Google Analytics collects information such as how often users visit our website, what pages they visit when they visit our website, and what other websites they visited prior to our website. Google Analytics collects only the IP address assigned to you on the date you visit our website, rather than your name or other identifying information. We do not combine the information collected through Google Analytics with any other Personal Information. Although Google Analytics plants a permanent cookie on your Web browser to identify you as a unique user the next time you visit our website, the cookie cannot be used by anyone but Google. You can prevent Google Analytics from recognizing you on return visits by disabling cookies on your browser.

We do not share information collected through Google Analytics with any third parties other than Google. Google’s ability to use and share information collected by Google Analytics about your visits to our website is restricted by the Google Analytics Terms of Use (available at and the Google Privacy Policy (available at You can prevent your data from being used by Google Analytics by downloading and installing the opt-out browser add-on (available at


By using our website, you consent to the collection and use of Personal Information as set forth in this Privacy Policy. You also acknowledge that we may periodically change, modify, add or remove or otherwise update this Privacy Policy at our discretion, without prior notification. We will always handle Personal Information in accordance with the Privacy Policy that was in effect at the time of collection. It is our intention to post changes to our Privacy Policy on this page so that you are fully informed concerning the types of information we are gathering, how we use it, and under what circumstances it may be disclosed.

Corrections and Objections

We take reasonable steps to ensure that Personal Information is kept accurate and up-to date for the purposes for which it was collected. We will provide you with the ability to object to the processing of Personal Information if such processing is not reasonably required for a legitimate business purpose as described in this Privacy Policy or our compliance with law. In the case of electronic direct marketing, we will provide you with a method to opt out of receiving further marketing materials or with a method to opt in if required by law. If you wish to contact us regarding our use of your Personal Information or object to the use of your Personal Information, please contact us at 888-4TE-WIRE (888-483-9473) or If you contact us by email, please note in your email the specific information you would like us to correct, update or delete plus a proper identification of you. Requests to delete Personal Information will be subject to any applicable legal and ethical reporting or document filing or retention obligations imposed on us.

Contact Us

If you have any queries or complaints about our compliance with this Privacy Policy, or if you would like to make any recommendations or comments to improve the quality of our Privacy Policy, please contact us at